
LX Brand Development

As changes are made in the Linux kernel and new Linux distribution releases make use of them, illumos may not yet support those features. Periodically we need to add new LX facilities for compatiblity with those newer binaries.

The following is an unstructured collection of notes for working on identifying what’s missing from illumos when Linux binaries aren’t behaving properly.


If debugging LX branded zones, first watch this video: Debugging LX branded zones on SmartOS


Enabling lx_debug probes

As the video above mentioned, probes associated with lx_debug (that is, output associated with the LX_DEBUG environment variable) are turned on it LX_DTRACE is set to a non-zero value in the environment. However, this is not helpful if in a context that is hard to set environment variable (e.g., early in boot). The video above neglected to mention how to enable DTrace probes in this case. To do this, you must first change the disposition of the brand to enable these by default by modifying the binary. From the global zone, do the following:

cp /usr/lib/amd64/ /var/tmp
cp /usr/lib/amd64/ /var/tmp/$$
echo "lx_dtrace_lazyload?W 0" | mdb -w /var/tmp/$$
mount -O -F lofs /var/tmp/$$ /usr/lib/amd64/

(If debugging 32-bit, the that should be copied and mounted over should be /usr/lib/ not /usr/lib/amd64/

At that point, lxpid:::debug probes should show up as processes start, which will allow you to see where things are failing:

dtrace -Zqn lx*:::debug'{printf("%s", copyinstr(arg0))}'

(String size and switch rate should be adjusted up if truncated strings or drops are seen.)

When debugging a new distro or otherwise debugging the death of processes before you can login, you can

hunting for unsupported syscalls

With a dtrace script, lxunsup.d

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option quiet

    printf("%6s %20s %s\n", "PID", "NAME", "CALL")

    printf("%6d %20s %S\n", pid, execname, stringof(arg0));

And some 1-liners.

dtrace -n 'sdt:lx_brand::brand-lx-unsupported {@num[execname,stringof(arg0)] = count()}'
dtrace -n 'lx-syscall::setsockopt:entry /arg1 == 0 && arg2 == 35/ { trace(arg4) }'

Harmless unsupported syscalls

Probing socket options

This is handy for figuring out why a networking app is not behaving properly.

D script lxsockopt.d

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option quiet

 * PROTO values can be found here:
 * SOCKOPT values can be found here:
    printf("%6s %20s %5s %s\n", "PID", "NAME", "PROTO", "SOCKOPT");

    printf("%6d %20s %5d %d\n", pid, execname, arg1, arg2);

Or, a 1-liner

dtrace -n 'lx-syscall::setsockopt:entry { @num[execname,arg2] = count()}'


Bryan’s talk and demo of sdc-docker


Initial support for lx brand is complete:

Random Notes

Using /native binaries to work

SmartOS (in fact, the entire SmartOS userland) binaries are mounted in /native in all LX zones. They mostly work, but some native binaries execute other native binaries. (For example, arp calls netstat.) For programs written in C, this can be fixed, so please file a ticket if it doesn’t work in a recent release.

Creating your own zone dataset

Triton CI builds

If you run into a new bug, someone might ask you to try the latest CI build after it’s been fixed. This is how.

The Triton CI system constantly rebuilds the platform tarball when there are new commits. You can extract that image and put into place on e.g. an existing SmartOS USB stick to obtain the latest and greatest code from Joyent.

You can download that platform tarball like so:

LATEST=$(curl ${MANTA_URL}/Joyent_Dev/public/builds/platform/master-latest)
curl -O ${MANTA_URL}${LATEST}/platform/platform-master-${LATEST##*-}.tgz

To update an existing SmartOS USB stick:

  1. Extract that tarball onto your USB stick (you’ll get a directory named “platform-<datestamp>”)
  2. Move aside the directory named “platform” to e.g. “platform-orig”
  3. Rename “platform-<datestamp>” to “platform”
  4. Boot from your USB stic