
Managing NICs

NICs and nic_tags

In order for a NIC to be used in SmartOS it must be given a label called a nic_tag. The default configuration uses only one nic_tag, admin. Additional nic_tags can be created for any purpose. Broadly speaking, a nic_tag is a label that describes what is reachable over that nic.

Some commonly used nic_tags are described in the table below:

nic_tag Description
admin The control plane for the hypervisor
external Connectivity to the global Internet
internal Connectivity to an “intranet”
underlay VXLAN / Software Defined Networking

The only required nic tag is admin which will be configured by default. Use the command nictagadm to list nic tags.

Because nic_tags are just a text string, it can be anything you want. Nothing prevents you from having a dmz or private. If you use Juniper network hardware, you may prever trust and untrust.

Interfaces, both for the global zone, and for instances, are configured by associating them with a nic_tag.

Configuring NICs in the global zone

Nictags are configured in the node config file (usually /usbkey/config), or for more complex configurations, a JSON file (usually provided during PXE boot, and will not be described here).

Valid config keys:

Key Name Value
<nic_tag>_nic The MAC address of the physical NIC
<nic_tag>XX_ip A valid IPv4 address or dhcp
<nic_tag>XX_ip6 A valid IPv6 address or addrconf
<nic_tag>XX_mac A persistent vanity MAC address
<nic_tag>XX_mtu MTU value for this nic_tag (see below)
<nic_tag>XX_netmask A valid dotted decimal subnet mask
<nic_tag>XX_gateway IPv4 default gateway
<nic_tag>XX_gateway6 IPv6 default gateway
<nic_tag>XX_vlan_id VLAN ID number (2 - 4096)

The <nic_tag>_nic key is the only parameter necessary to define a nic_tag. In general, it is not recomended that the global zone plumb an interface on every nic_tag.

To configure an interface over a nic_tag, it needs to be assigned an instance number, and additional parameters as necessary. All parameters are optional, except that _ip requires _netmask. When using IPv6, even if a static address is assigned, router-advertisements will still be accepted and configured. Interfaces are always configured as vnics. Instance numbers can be 0 to 99. By default a random MAC is generated for the vnic.

If there are multiple nic_tags assigned to the same physical NIC, the highest value MTU will be used at the link-layer.

NIC Example:


In this example, the nic_tag storage is defined. One network interface will be created as a vnic named storage0.

admin and external

The admin and external nic_tags are special cased in the following ways:

LACP NIC aggregation

Multiple NICs can be aggregated together to form a single virtual data-link. Linux calls this bonding. In order for aggregations to be created, the port on the network switch must also be configured for LACP.

To create an aggregation, use the following syntax:


You can then assign nic_tags to the aggregation instead of to a physical NIC.



In this example, aggregation aggr1 is created over two physical NICs and the external nic_tag is assigned to the aggregation.

Configuring NICs in instances

In the instance create payload each nic is assigned a nic_tag. If the specified nic_tag does not exist creating the instance will fail. See the vmadm man page for additional documentation.

Example configuration:

"nics": [
      "nic_tag": "external",
      "ip": "",
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": ""
      "primary": true,
      "vlan_id": 128
      "nic_tag": "internal",
      "ip": "",
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": ""
      "vlan_id": 200

Low Level Networking Commands

In addition to using the config file, networking commands may be run manually to investigate (or verify) the state of the network configuration or to apply a temporary state. At boot, networking will reflect the config file.

Networking in illumos, has data links, interfaces, and addresses.

A data-link is a physical interface, a vnic, an aggregation, or a VLAN. The dladm command is used to operate on dada links.

Here are some common examples:

dladm show-phys -m # Show physical interfaces only (with MAC address)
dladm show-vnic    # Show VNICs only
dladm show-aggr    # Show link aggregations only
dladm show-link    # Show all data link devices

See the dladm man page for more information.

Interfaces and Addresses

An interface is an abstratction where addresses can be configured. Multiple addresses can be configured on a single interface. E.g., you can have multiple IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses on a single interface.

An interface is created on a data link, and has an instance number. E.g., e1000g0 or external0.

An address object is a tag appended to the interface name. E.g., external0/_a. Every address object must be unique. Address objects (or addrobjs) that begin with _ are assigned by the system.

The ipadm utility is used to operate on interfaces and addresses Here are some common usage patterns:

ipadm show-addr       # Show configured addresses
ipadm create-addr ... # Configure a new address on an interface
ipadm show-if         # Show interface objects without address information

See the ipadm man page for more information.

Other Commands

In addition to the dladm and ipadm commands, ifconfig can also be used, which some people prefer. See the ifconfig man page for more information.

Routing is configured using the route command. See the route man page for more information.

Using VRRP in Zones

To provision a VM with a VRRP nic, you must set the vrrp_vrid (router ID) and vrrp_primary_ip attributes in that nic:

"nics": [
      "nic_tag": "external",
      "ip": "",
      "vlan_id": 1059,
      "vrrp_vrid": 100,
      "vrrp_primary_ip": "",
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": ""
      "nic_tag": "external",
      "ip": "",
      "vlan_id": 1059,
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "primary": true,
      "allow_ip_spoofing": true


Logging into the VM, you can see that net0 has the VRRP flag set. The interface isn’t up yet - that will be handled by vrrpd, which handles bringing up and down VRRP vnics.

# ifconfig net0
net0: flags=50201000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS,VRRP,L3PROTECT> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:0:5e:0:1:64

Now create the router with vrrpadm:

vrrpadm create-router -V 100 -l net1 -A inet router0

vrrpadm shows that the router is up, and is the master.

# vrrpadm show-router
router0 100  net1    IPv4 255  1000     eopa- MASTER net0
# vrrpadm show-router -x
router0 MASTER INIT      14.085s net0 

ifconfig shows that net0 is now UP:

# ifconfig net0
net0: flags=50201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS,VRRP,L3PROTECT> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:0:5e:0:1:64

You should now be able to ping this VM on both its primary and virtual IP.

Running a DHCP Server in a Zone

Zone NICs will by default have dhcp hosting blocked on them and need to be opened up before a DHCP server will operate correctly.

You can confirm whether the dhcp protection bit is set with the following command, in this example net0 has the dhcp-nospoof protection bit set while net1 has it cleared as is required for serving DHCP on the net1 interface.

# dladm show-linkprop -z <ZONE_UUID> -p protection
LINK         PROPERTY        PERM VALUE          DEFAULT        POSSIBLE
net0         protection      rw   mac-nospoof,   --             mac-nospoof,
                                  restricted,                   restricted,
                                  dhcp-nospoof                  ip-nospoof,
net1         protection      rw   mac-nospoof,   --             mac-nospoof,
                                  restricted                    restricted,

When creating a new VM the following property will disable the dhcp-nospoof bit.

"nics" : [
            "nic_tag" : "admin",
            "allow_dhcp_spoofing": true

To update this flag on an already configured zone you can use the vmadm update functionality as follows (in this case updating interface with mac 00:53:37:00:db:08).

# vmadm update <ZONE_UUID> << EOF
  "update_nics": [
      "mac": "00:53:37:00:db:08",
      "allow_dhcp_spoofing": true

NAT and other crazy tricks