Source: hugo
on #freenode
(posted by AlainODea as a favor)
To make modifications that would change the files listed in the save_us
array variable in the
script shown below
(e.g: users, groups, roles, rights profiles, etc), do the following:
svcadm disable svc:/system/name-service-cache:default
svcadm disable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
When you’re done, re-enable the service:
svcadm enable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
svcadm enable svc:/system/name-service-cache:default
# id roletest
id: invalid user name: "roletest"
NOTE: role doesn't yet exist
# roleadd roletest
UX: roleadd: ERROR: Cannot update system files - login cannot be created.
NOTE: fails as we have not disabled the service yet
# svcadm disable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
# roleadd roletest
NOTE: no output, role was added successfully
# svcadm enable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
NOTE: saves changes to persistent storage
# id roletest
uid=101(roletest) gid=1(other)
NOTE: confirm role exists
# roledel roletest
UX: roledel: ERROR: Cannot update system files - login cannot be deleted
NOTE: fails again, should we want to delete it, we'd need to disable the
service again:
# svcadm disable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
# roledel roletest
# svcadm enable svc:/site/persist-syscfg:default
Possible uses:
Since /etc/security/policy.conf
is now persistent, you may want to
consider applying this
You could turn root into a role in the following way:
# usermod -K type=role root
# usermod -R root user
This way, root cannot login directly (except in single user mode) and only users to whom you give the root role (usermod -R root) will be allowed to su root, increasing the security of the system.
WARNING: Keep in mind that after you make root into a role, you won’t be able to login directly as root through ssh. Be absolutely sure that you can access the system as the user to whom you attributed the role immediately after doing so.
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
<service_bundle type='manifest' name='export'>
<service name='site/persist-syscfg' type='service' version='0'>
<create_default_instance enabled='true'/>
<dependency name='filesystem' grouping='require_all' restart_on='error' type='service'>
<service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local'/>
<exec_method name='start' type='method' exec='/opt/custom/share/svc/ start' timeout_seconds='60'/>
<exec_method name='stop' type='method' exec='/opt/custom/share/svc/ stop' timeout_seconds='60'/>
<property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
<propval name='duration' type='astring' value='transient'/>
<propval name='ignore_error' type='astring' value='core,signal'/>
<property_group name='application' type='application'/>
<stability value='Evolving'/>
<loctext xml:lang='C'>Apply user and RBAC configuration from /usbkey, making it persistent</loctext>
# Originally based on
# Author: hugo@freenode
save_us=( /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/ouser_attr /etc/user_attr \
/etc/security/policy.conf /etc/security/auth_attr /etc/security/exec_attr \
/etc/security/prof_attr )
# this script needs rsync
if [ ! -f /usr/bin/rsync ]; then
echo please install rsync
exit 1
case "$1" in
if [[ -n $(/bin/bootparams | grep '^smartos=true') ]]; then
for file in ${save_us[*]}
if [[ -z $(/usr/sbin/mount -p | grep $file) ]]; then
if [[ $ukf -ot $file ]]; then
rsync -Rrtpogu $file $ukeystor
echo "sys->stor: $file"
rsync -rtpog $ukf $file
echo "stor->sys: $file"
touch $file $ukf
mount -F lofs $ukf $file
for file in ${save_us[*]}
if [[ -n $(/usr/sbin/mount -p | grep $file) ]]; then
umount $file && touch $file