
Upgrading SmartOS

SmartOS is upgraded by simply booting to a new platform image. How you select a new platform image depends on how you have chosen to boot SmartOS.

Using piadm with a bootable pool

Using a bootable pool is by far the easiest way to manage the platform image for SmartOS. If you chose to create a bootable pool at setup time, you can use piadm to install and activate new images. piadm will also manage boot loader images.

If you do not have a bootable pool, see the piadm(8) man page for help creating one.

To list bootable pools

piadm bootable

To list currently installed platform images

piadm list

To list available newer versions

piadm avail

To install a newer version image.

piadm install <platform> <pool>

To select any installed platform image

piadm activate <stamp>

Here’s an exmaple, with output.

[root@smartos ~]# piadm list
20200714T195617Z   zones/boot                     next         yes   yes
[root@smartos ~]# piadm -v install 20200715T192200Z
        (downloaded to /tmp/tmp.Bba0Ac)
Installing PI 20200715T192200Z
[root@smartos ~]# piadm list
20200714T195617Z   zones/boot                     next         yes   yes
20200715T192200Z   zones/boot                     none         no    no
[root@smartos ~]# piadm -v activate 20200715T192200Z
Platform Image 20200715T192200Z will be loaded on next boot,
    WARNING:  20200715T192200Z has no matching boot image, using
    boot image  20200714T195617Z
[root@smartos ~]# piadm list
20200714T195617Z   zones/boot                     next         yes   no
20200715T192200Z   zones/boot                     none         no    yes
[root@smartos ~]#

Upgrading a USB Image

As with any operating system upgrade, there’s risk involved with this procedure. In the event that you downloaded a bad platform tarball, or your USB key decides to malfunction, you could be left in a state where your host doesn’t come back online. You might want to perform the first upgrade locally to test the build.

Download And Verify the Platform Tarball

Either download directly as shown below, or copy the platform tarball from another location onto the machine you want to upgrade.

# cd /var/tmp
# curl -O --insecure
# digest -a md5 platform-latest.tgz
# curl -O --insecure
# grep platform md5sums.txt
b4d64f93dc51d58adb72fcdcfa27ec37 platform-20140111T020931Z.tgz

The URLs and MD5 sum shown above are for example purposes only. Please see this document for the correct link and expected MD5 sums.

Find and Mount the USB Key

The diskinfo(8) command displays information about the physical disks (or other storage devices) attached to the system.  We can use this tool to find the disk device that represents the USB key. By default, the tool will display a table of all disks in the system. Let’s filter out just the USB disks:

# diskinfo | awk 'NR == 1 || /^USB/ { print }'
TYPE    DISK                    VID      PID              SIZE
USB     c2t0d0                  Seagate  Portable          931.51 GiB
no  no
USB     c1t0d0                  SanDisk  Cruzer Glide        7.45 GiB
yes no

There may be more than one USB storage device attached to your system. In the output above, the USB key is a SanDisk Cruze Glide – note that the RMV column lists this as a removable device. The other disk (listed as non-removable) is a Seagate Portable hard disk. If more disks are listed, you may need to mount the filesystem from each to determine which one is the correct device.

In order to install the new platform image, we need to mount the root filesystem on the USB key.

The format of the SmartOS USB image changed with the 20190411 release fr om a Legacy GRUB-based USB key to a Loader-based USB key. For more details see the following Flag Day Message.

If the system is currently using a Legacy GRUB-based USB key, then the key uses the MBR partitioning scheme and the first primary partition of the USB key device (c1t0d0) contains the pcfs fileystem we’re looking for.  However, if the system is using the newer Loader-based USB key, then the key uses a hybrid GPT+MBR partition scheme and the filesystem we’re looking for will be on slice 2.

Loader-based USB key example:

mount -F pcfs -o foldcase /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 /mnt

Legacy GRUB-based USB key example:

mount -F pcfs -o foldcase /dev/dsk/c1t0d0p1 /mnt

Verify that you’ve mounted the correct partition by examining the contents of the mounted filesystem:

# ls /mnt
boot      platform
# find /mnt/platform

This looks to be correct for a bootable SmartOS USB key, so we’ll proceed.

Unpack the New Platform

The warnings from ‘tar’ may be safely ignored.

# cd /mnt
# tar xzf /var/tmp/platform-latest.tgz
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix (are 0100777, should be 0755)
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive.gitstatus (are 0100777, should be 0644)
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive.manifest (are 0100777, should be 0644)
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive.hash (are 0100777, should be 0644)
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive (are 0100777, should be 0644)
tar: warning - file permissions have changed for platform-20190424T23383
4Z/root.password (are 0100777, should be 0644)
# cd -

We now have two ‘platform’ directories:

# ls -l /mnt
total 24
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Jan  3  2011 boot
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Mar  7 23:27 platform
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Mar 22 15:48 platform-20190424T

Indiana Jones Style Swap

Now all that’s left is to start using the new platform directory. We do this as one atomic operation to minimize risk. We’ll also save the old platform directory in an accessible location in case we need to boot back into it.

# mkdir /mnt/previous/
# mv /mnt/platform /mnt/previous/ && mv /mnt/platform{-20190424T233834Z,}
# ls -l /mnt
total 24
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Mar 27 09:30 previous
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Jan  3  2011 boot
drwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        4096 Mar 22 15:48 platform

Unmount the USB key and reboot at your convenience:

# umount /mnt
# reboot

If Something Goes Wrong

If you find that the new platform will not boot on your hardware, you’ll find error messages on the console.

If you see only a ‘Starting up …’ and then your machine reboots, it means you’ve attached to a serial port instead of the text console.

Using IPMI or a remote keyboard/video system, you’ll need to instruct the bootloader configuration to boot the previous platform image:

Instructions for Loader-based USB

  1. When the Loader menu is displayed, press ESCAPE to enter the Loader command prompt.

  2. Issue the following command to change the default platform to the previous platform image:

     s" /previous" set-platform
  3. Boot the platform


If you get an error message from ‘krtld’, it means you didn’t follow the instructions above and decided to rename the ‘platform’ directory itself; cf. PXE Booting SmartOS.

Instructions for Legacy GRUB-based USB

  1. The first menu entry is highlighted by default, press ‘e’ to edit it.
  2. Press ‘e’ again to edit the ‘kernel’ line.
  3. Using Ctrl-A, go to the beginning of the line.
  4. Place a slash (‘/’) and the version string of your previous platform immediately before the string ‘/platform’, e.g. kernel /previous/platform/… in our example above.
  5. Hit <RET> (the ‘Enter’ key) to replace the line with your edits.
  6. Using the down arrow, select the next line, beginning with ‘module’.
  7. Place a slash (‘/’) and the version string of your previous platform immediately before the string ‘/platform’, e.g. module /previous/platform/… in our example above.
  8. Hit <RET> (the ‘Enter’ key) to replace the line with your edits.
  9. Press ‘b’ to boot into the old platform.

Instead of the procedure above, we could’ve edited the boot/grub/menu.lst file on the USB key before unmounting it, and offered another menu item to boot into the old platform. In the majority of cases the new platform will boot just fine, so this effort was considered unnecessary.